Friday, August 20, 2010

Growing up

As some of you know we have been trying to sell our house for the past year.  We have recently decided to pull our house off the market and stay put for at least another year. With this decision it's time to get Carter a "big boy" room.  His room is currently still decorated in it's baby theme as I didn't want to change it with the anticipation of moving.  This is what his room currently looks like.

It's kind of hard to see but it's a Laura Ashley Whales and Sailboats theme.  I loved it for my baby boy, but now it's time to move on.
Let me tell you a little bit about my decorating preferences when it comes to things for Carter.  I cannot STAND decorating with cartoon stuff!  Now I know this may sound a little extreme.  Kids love their cartoons! I have given up some of my controlling habits when it comes to some cartoon things. After all, Grandma's love to by things for their grand kids and if he likes a cartoon then cartoon stuff he gets!
Ok back to the topic at hand.  I'm breaking my own rule!  I want to decorate Carter's room in this theme.

It's cartoon, but it's pretty timeless and classic. I think I dislike many other cartoons because they are always changing and then you buy all this stuff and 3 months later your child is in love with a different cartoon.
Carter actually does like Dr. Seuss also.  He has several books, puzzles and movies and he knows all the songs on the movies by heart.
I don't think I will go crazy with the colors or a custom bed but I think I can have a lot of fun with this.  Across from his room is another room that looks exactly like his that is set up as a media room. I think I'm going to continue with the Dr. Seuss theme and turn it into a play room.  I'm so excited to see this vision come to life! I will be sure to post pictures when I'm done.  So far I have the "Big Boy" bed ordered!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Carter Quote of the Week

Carter has been saying some pretty funny stuff lately so I need to get it written down so I will remember!  I really don't know where he learns this stuff.  He speaks so well for his age, I'm not sure where he gets it from, but the kid is just FUNNY!

A couple weeks ago we were at Taste of Hope (a carnival of sorts at church) and Carter was running around playing with empty water bottles. He was having a friend of ours take the labels off so he could swing them around. One of the labels was particularly sticky and he runs over to me with it hanging from his hand and said "Mom, this is a sticky situation!"
This is the same night, he wanted daddy to throw the empty bottles at his head :)

Monday, August 2, 2010


A couple weeks ago the 3 of us took a little mini trip to Omaha for the night.  We had planned on going to the zoo but the heat index was over 100 so we found something else to do.  We ended up going to The Children's Museum.  Carter had a blast! They had a Clifford exhibit, so we spent a lot of time in that area.
This was a dog bowl conveyer belt that Carter loved playing with.
Carter in the dog house

We spent the night in a hotel which was Carter's first time.  We went swimming in the pool and went out to dinner. We all stayed up as late as we wanted, and as we were sitting watching cartoons Carter said, "Mom this is really a lot of fun!"  It was a nice little get away from the craziness of life and spend time together as a family!