She makes what look to be amazing treats, specifically her sugar cookies. They look amazing and I'm sure they taste just as good as they look. So I decided to make them...really how hard could it be to make sugar cookies from scratch? HA! Famous last words! As my dough is doing something in the fridge for the next hour (I dunno, that's what the recipe said to do)let me tell you what I DID learn... apparently it DOES matter what order you mix the ingredients-who knew! My first batch was not sticking together like it should so in the trash it went... I also learned that I really need to wait until my almost 3 year old is in bed before starting ANY sort of project. Lastly, I learned that I am NOT a baker... at least not yet. I still need to actually bake my cookies so I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow night.
*edited to add pictures- Finally!
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