With a new year brings New Years Resolutions. I'm not really a fan of the whole resolution thing... Maybe it's because I never seem to meet whatever resolution I have set for myself for the year. So this year I think I am going to work on completing projects and staying organized. I have a really bad habit of finding different activities that I want to try out, I buy all the "stuff" needed to go along with said project and a month later I'm over it. In 2009 I have tried Cake decorating, Knitting, Cookie decorating, Scrapbooking, Sewing... the list goes on and on. So I have lots of stuff, and supplies around my house with no place to put it.
I really like having all the different things to do but the house is getting a little out of control with all my stuff! I started off the year by going through all of our clothes. I still have some clothes from high school which is waaaaay to long to be hanging on to stuff. So with 2 trash bags full off my clothes and 1 bag of hubby's clothes we will be donating to Goodwill this weekend. I know there are plenty of people who will benefit from our clothes that have just been taking up space in our house. So I encourage you all to start the year off by doing some good for yourself AND for others. I feel great having cleared out some space in my house, and giving to others. Happy New Year!